Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Okay, the Broncos had an undefeated season and ended up either #3 or #4 depending on which rating you prefer. Congratulations Broncos, but you should be #1 or #2. We of Bronco Nation know this, so take heart we believe in you wholeheartedly.
Now, let's take a look at BSU's basketball program. What the hell's the problem here? Why can't we rise above average? Could it be the coaching? Could it be the players? I believe the answers lie on top. We all know s**t flows downhill. If management is corrupted, then the workers won't perform well. I say clean house. Get rid of the coaching staff. Go outside. Find better coaches. Offer 'em some money so we get good personnel. Damnit, I'm tired of lousy basketball efforts from our team. Find the answers. Get on the ball...literally.
That's my answer and I believe it to be the right one.

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